
AbouT US

We are your navy seal marketing Team with a diverse set of skills and expertise that will devise and execute the ideal strategy taking all factors of your startup’s current stage, vision, and planned roadmap into account.

SML prides itself on having an all-star Team with extensive digital marketing experience and expertise with multi-award winning campaigns and a track record of success with some of the world’s most recognizable brands

What Sets Us Apart

Diversity of skill sets and all encompassing execution vs 

Insider insights on marketing trends and best performing strategies derived from other non-competing clients

An extensive network of investors that we could facilitate introductions to

Standard of Excellence in Client Servicing

Agile and Customized Process based on individual company needs & goals

Proprietary toolkit that ensures flawless execution, live visibility and no client time wasted on process

Centralization of all parts of the company’s marketing side 

Flexible structure that allows clients to upscale/downscale as needs change vs Internal Hiring Fixed Cost & Commitments

Agile and Customized Process based on individual company needs & goals

Proprietary toolkit that ensures flawless execution, live visibility and no client time wasted on process

Centralization of all parts of the company’s marketing side 

Diversity of skill sets and all encompassing execution vs 

Flexible structure that allows clients to upscale/downscale as needs change vs Internal Hiring Fixed Cost & Commitments

Insider insights on marketing trends and best performing strategies derived from other non-competing clients

Standard of Excellence in Client Servicing

An extensive network of investors that we could facilitate introductions to

Our Team has experience working some of the world’s most recognizable brands